Beginers programing guide
@Rob--Marston You can install php5 with the following commands:
# opkg update # opkg install php5
looking for idea on how to gather temp and humidity data from a DHT11 or DHT22.
has anyone successfully done this with the onion? I've done it on PI with python Adafruit libs, and also done it ones with node.js on other platforms, and of course arduino.
Dave, the official wrappers for things like python or node are still being worked on. There are c programs that can be called from the command line (see FAQ). It is possible to access these from a shell script. It is also possible to call to shell/c programs from python. I have just started to look into this for now.
Nice youtube video on the omega and python using pycharm.
@Lorcan-Adrain Thanks very much - that is my video. I am hoping to add more in the next few weeks. Thanks again for the shout out.
@Patrick-Ryan Give us a shout when the video is live! We will put it on our website
@Boken-Lin seems easy enough, thanks!
Hey guys, I just got my Omega like 2 days ago and i have been playing around with it. I know a decent amount of programming and I am huge believer in open source. So I am gonna be making a simple python video on how to get started with the Onion Omega and like some basics in programming. I will post the source code on my Github! The video will be up soon. Thanks!
Awesome initiative guys.
@Boken-Lin I added another video showing the setup via a terminal application instead of the console app. You can find that here:
@Boken-Lin Thank you!