Need help in connecting SI7006-A20 sensor on Omega 2
i bought a Onion Omega2, Expansion, OLED module, Humidity and Temperature (SI7006-A20 HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE SENSOR ±5%RH ±1°C) sensor and methen sensor module from you since a long time but i'm unable to integrate them all in one piece.
i'm trying to install the Temp & Hum sensor using smbus-cffi ( but i get error as "OSError: [Errno 12] Out of memory" everytime. I don't find any other solution.
I have already mount a 16GB pen drive, so there will be no memory issue.
Please help me in resoloving this issue.
Is the SI7006 similar to the SI7021? I ask because there is a lot of arduino code for the si7021 and I also have a stripped down sample code I could potentially give you that you can initialize and read the sensor data.
type df -h and copy it here, maybe your "pen drive" is only as external storage and not setup properly.