Omega Onion connecting to Cloud Cloud IoT
Folks --
Update 2018-05-30: I've revised this working solution to make it easier to follow.
Here's a post summarizing some Golang code on an Omega2 connecting to Google Cloud IoT Core.
I'm a Googler and an Onion (!?) and have 3x Omega2s.
On Sunday I noticed this post on the Onion Developer docs showing integration with cloud platforms and was encouraged to add Google Cloud Platform to this list. In the post, I describe working Golang code that connects Omegas to Google Cloud IoT Core.
Working Configuration
I had some help from a colleague who helped me understand that my attempt to use an MQTT broker was my problem and that Google Cloud IoT Core does not work with sub-brokers. Instead, I was advised to focus on the
approach. This works and is the solution:mosquitto_pub \ --host \ --port 8883 \ --id ${LONG_REGISTRY}/devices/${DEVICE} \ --username unused \ --pw ${PASSWORD} \ --cafile /roots.pem \ --tls-version tlsv1.2 \ --protocol-version mqttv311 \ --debug \ --qos 1\ --topic /devices/${DEVICE}/events \ --message "$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S") Hello Henry!"
and this:
mosquitto_sub \ --host \ --port 8883 \ --id ${LONG_REGISTRY}/devices/${DEVICE} \ --username unused \ --pw ${PASSWORD} \ --cafile /roots.pem \ --tls-version tlsv1.2 \ --protocol-version mqttv311 \ --debug \ --qos 1 \ --topic /devices/${DEVICE}/config
Earlier Work
Record of trial-and-error. For continuity only
I'm struggling to get connectivity with Mosquitto as outlined in the Onion document but I know how to get connectivity working (because the Golang code works). When I try
commands below, I don't promptly receive the messages on GCP (as I do with the Golang code).I'd value your help. I've redacted values and replaced with
but the values are correctly reflected in the config. Cloud IoT MQTT uses a JWT for the password and there's no mutual auth. I pulled the JWT code from the Golang and use this to generate the value for$JWT
used in the config below so I'm confident that's correct too.I suspect one error is in the mapping of topics:
# For debugging log_type all log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log connection_messages true tls_version tlsv1.2 # Bridge to GCP Cloud IoT Core connection bridge-to-gcp address cleansession true bridge_attempt_unsubscribe false bridge_cafile /roots.pem remote_username unused remote_password $JWT remote_clientid projects/$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/registries/$REGISTRY/devices/$DEVICE topic # out 1 topic # in 1
For the
shown above, at least 2 MQTT topics are available, telemetry can go out on/devices/$DEVICE/event
and config arrives on/devices/$DEVICE/config
I tried:
mosquitto_pub \ --topic /events \ --message '{"test": "Hello Henry!"}' \ --qos 1 mosquitto_pub \ --topic /devices/$DEVICE/events \ --message '{"test": "Hello Henry!"}' \ --qos 1 mosquitto_pub \ --topic projects/$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/registries/$REGISTRY/devices/$DEVICE/events \ --message '{"test": "Hello Henry!"}' \ --qos 1
Here's part of the logs when trying to
:New connection from on port 1883. New client connected from as mosqpub/3501-20237b7dc0 (c1, k60). Sending CONNACK to mosqpub/3501-20237b7dc0 (0, 0) Received PUBLISH from mosqpub/3501-20237b7dc0 (d0, q1, r0, m1, '/events', ... (24 bytes)) Sending PUBACK to mosqpub/3501-20237b7dc0 (Mid: 1) Received DISCONNECT from mosqpub/3501-20237b7dc0 Client mosqpub/3501-20237b7dc0 disconnected. New connection from on port 1883. New client connected from as mosqpub/3502-20237b7dc0 (c1, k60). Sending CONNACK to mosqpub/3502-20237b7dc0 (0, 0) Received PUBLISH from mosqpub/3502-20237b7dc0 (d0, q1, r0, m1, '/devices/$DEVICE/events', ... (24 bytes)) Sending PUBACK to mosqpub/3502-20237b7dc0 (Mid: 1) Received DISCONNECT from mosqpub/3502-20237b7dc0 Client mosqpub/3502-20237b7dc0 disconnected. New connection from on port 1883. New client connected from as mosqpub/3503-20237b7dc0 (c1, k60). Sending CONNACK to mosqpub/3503-20237b7dc0 (0, 0) Received PUBLISH from mosqpub/3503-20237b7dc0 (d0, q1, r0, m1, 'projects/$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/registries/$REGISTRY/devices/$DEVICE/events', ... (24 bytes)) Sending PUBACK to mosqpub/3503-20237b7dc0 (Mid: 1) Received DISCONNECT from mosqpub/3503-20237b7dc0 Client mosqpub/3503-20237b7dc0 disconnected. Bridge local.projects/$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/registries/$REGISTRY/devices/$DEVICE doing local SUBSCRIBE on topic #
I found some guidance on the always-excellent Digital Ocean site and am able to send messages to Cloud IoT using
:mosquitto_pub \ --host \ --port 8883 \ --id ${LONG_REGISTRY}/devices/${DEVICE} \ --username unused \ --pw ${PASSWORD} \ --cafile /roots.pem \ --tls-version tlsv1.2 \ --protocol-version mqttv311 \ --debug \ --topic /devices/${DEVICE}/events \ --message "$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S") Hello Henry!"
So the problem (I think) is in my configuration file.
That's awesome !
Welcome GCP IoT to the Onion family !
@Daz-Wilkin That's awesome!!! We'll make sure to update our Cloud Platforms page to include GCP!
To avoid confusion, can you please move the working commands to the top of the post?Oh and how's Onioneer for the Onion version of Googler?
@Lazar-Demin --
Thanks for the shout-out!
I didn't receive an email when you posted to this topic
Yes, I'll revise the post to move the working content to the top.
So, may we have Google Cloud Platform added to your Connecting to Cloud Platforms?
Onioneer, yes!