Can't get Omega2 to connect to my home wifi

  • I've reflashed it from usb, I've reset it to factory settings. No matter what I do it won't connect. I've reset the ip address to eliminate collisions. I've even downloaded old firmware to see if i can get it to connect. I've had it for some time and have gotten it to connect before, but not lately.

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  • The most common issues I've had regarding wifi is a weak signal. The first step is to get as close to the wifi source as possible. I use the hotspot on my android that is right next to the Onion and it works every time.

  • I agree a weak signal is my most common issue. Also check you have the wifi password is correct.

    Are you really using WEP? Have you used option 1 "Scan for wifi..." this will find your network and most times automatically select the encryption type correctly.

    Also I have had an issue where I restored to factory firmware or install another firmware from the repo and the network never works. If you reboot via the serial console:

    Check and see if the Warp Core wifi device driver is loading, if it isn't then this will be your problem.

    Copy the new firmware to /tmp and run the command:

    sysupgrade -n <firmware file>

    The "-n" blows away your confirguration which is not what the factory reset seems to do reliably. I've fixed 6 separate Omega2+ using htis method.

    Now reboot while connected to the serial console and see if the warp core wifi driver banner is shown.



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