Installing a Browser
I have the Omega Dash how do I install a Browser?
I would prefer Chrome but most anyone would do!
@Ralph-Hulslander this would not work. The kind of browser you are thinking about requires an amount of supporting "material" that will not even fit in the Dash. What's the problem you want to solve. Maybe a browser is not the best solution.
@Ralph-Hulslander @victoriano is correct, Omega is not a PC, there are limited resources available and any of the major GUI browsers are way too bloated to run on a device with limited resources. Take a look at lynx, it is a text based browser, has been around for decades and will run on your Omega.
@crispyoz I lov lynx
I even used it to create a web spider when Google inventors were in high school
@victoriano I first used Lynx on SCO Unix along side Gopher. I wonder how many on this forum will need to google those names
@crispyoz just to increase the number of googled terms ... my spider was implemented on OpenVMS
@victoriano I preferred Concurrent DOS.
@crispyoz I don't.