Real time OS with omega onion2+
Can i run a real time operating system on omega onion2+? something like free RTOS maybe?
any documentation or examples?
@haythem FreeRTOS supports MIPS 76xx, I started looking at it last year but got diverted, it does look promising but it's not supported by Onion.
@crispyoz any idea how to use multi thread or processing with the onion 2+?
i will use python . i will add button and i want to make a function to always keep an eye on them just like an interrupt but since i will be using the GPIO extender MCP23017 i cant use the interrupt since i will control the GPIO over the i2c bus .
@haythem I'm not sure you need to go down the road of RTOS for multithreading on Omega2, the specifics of your design would dictate this, so you'll need to provide more specific details.
If it's a button you want to monitor, have you looked at this example:
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