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can't ping through ethernet

  • Capture d'écran 2024-06-21 110427.png

    The output of route command !

  • @Ghofran-Daoues ok so earlier you said you can ping the device ( after stopping your firewall. The error you have here indicates your Omega2 can't even ping device. So my guess is the firewall has restarted. So let's get back to the basics again. Stop and disable your firewall:

    service firewall stop
    service firewall disable

    nc 502

    Please post the output of all of these commands.

    Is your Omega2 ethernet connected directly to your device or is it connected via a switch/router?

  • yes that's true it doesn't ping anymore
    here are my outputs :
    service firewall stop
    firewall stop.png
    nc 502

  • @Ghofran-Daoues Look at the output of ifconfig, you can see your ethernet has no IPv4 address. Check your cable. You missed my last question: "Is your Omega2 ethernet connected directly to your device or is it connected via a switch/router?"

    If your Omega2 is connecting directly to the device using an ethernet cable then you need to set a static IP on the Omega2 ethernet unless your device runs a dhcpd, which is unlikely. So I need to understand how you are connected via ethernet.

  • omega2+ is directly connected using ethernet cable and the device doesn't run a dhcp, how to set a static ip on the omega ?

  • @Ghofran-Daoues this is controlled in the network config file (/etc/config/network), look for the entry for eth0, something like this:

    config interface 'wan'
    option ifname 'eth0'
    option proto 'dhcp'

    Change it to:

    config interface 'wan'
    option ifname 'eth0'
    option proto 'static'
    option ipaddr ''
    option netmask ''

    Then run service network restart and try pinging etc again

  • even after setting an ip to the ethernet and disabling the firewall, it doesn't ping .

    the output of ifconfig and ping :
    Capture d'écran 2024-06-21 160620.png

  • @Ghofran-Daoues That looks correct, check your cable and restart the device in case it has stopped listening.

  • At this moment, i think my problem is hardware-related, actually i broke my expansion dock and i did some tricks to use it again, i thaught it worked but since then he's not seeing the ethernet dock, and when i power the expansion dock the led is green (usually it's red)

  • @Ghofran-Daoues Your config looks correct now which is why I suggested checking cable and device. You might try plugging the ethernet cable into you computer, set a static IP in the same subnet
    then try to ping the Omega2 from the computer, if that fails then it's probably hardware.

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