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Wireless setup

  • administrators

    @Guest very legible now, thanks!

  • @Guest... Just curious whether you were able to get it working finally... ?

  • @Nayan Still reviewing my files and attempting to get it working. In case there was a problem with the cables or laptop used a different set of components still fails. Can you see from the information posted if I have miss-configured anything called out in your tutorial? Have you successfully had this work on your end?
    Will go over the steps you call out again and see if there is something I am missing.

  • @Nayan read your step by step instructions and took some notes following each step and checking it off but still could not get it to work could you review my steps and see where I am going wrong?

    Step 1: Connect Omega with WiFi
    Pretty straight forward using the gui for this setup portion.
    Step 2: Enable the Ethernet Connection in Omega
    Basically what we need to do is to uncomment the following part licated at /etc/config/network:

    config interface 'lan'
    	option ifname 'eth0'
    	option type 'bridge'
    	option proto 'static'
    	option ipaddr ''
    	option netmask ''
    	option ip6assign '60'

    Step 3: Connect the Two Interfaces via Firewall Configuration
    There is another tutorial (as I said), click here.
    This tutorial is how to make Omega as a router.
    The theory is the same, all we need to do is to convert
    what is going on in the tutorial.
    Step 3a: Turning the Omega Into a WiFi Router
    Open up the /etc/config/network file, and add the following line at the end of the file:

    config interface 'wan' 
    	option ifname 'eth0' 
    	option proto 'dhcp'   
    	option hostname 'OnionOmega'

    Then restart netowrk /etc/init.d/network restart
    Step 3b: Step 4: Configuring the WiFi Settings
    Next, you will need to open up the /etc/config/wireless file and configure two things.
    First, you should disable the WiFi network that the Omega is currently connected to.
    You can do this by deleting or commenting out a block that looks something like the following:

     config wifi-iface
    	option device 'radio0'
    	option mode 'sta'
    	option network 'wwan'
    	option ssid 'WiFi Network'
    	option encryption 'psk2'
    	option key 'TopSecret'
    	option disabled '0'

    Next, you might want to configure the WiFi network that the Omega will be serving.
    You can do this by editing the following block:
    Within this block, you can change the SSID of your Omega,
    as well as the type of encryption you want to use for the router.

        config wifi-iface
    	option device 'radio0'
    	option network 'wlan'
    	option mode 'ap'
    	option encryption 'psk2'
    	option ssid 'OmegaRouter'
    	option key 'RouterPassword'

    Once you have finished customizing the WiFi network, simply save and close the file,
    and run the following command to restart the WiFi network:
    Step 3C: Enabling Packet Routing

    Next, you will need to open up the /etc/config/wireless file and configure two things.
    First, you should disable the WiFi network that the Omega is currently connected to.
    You can do this by deleting or commenting out a block that looks something like the following:

    config wifi-iface
    	option device 'radio0'
    	option mode 'sta'
    	option network 'wwan'
    	option ssid 'WiFi Network'
    	option encryption 'psk2'
    	option key 'TopSecret'
    	option disabled '0

    'Next, you might want to configure the WiFi network that the Omega will be serving.
    You can do this by editing the following block:
    Within this block, you can change the SSID of your Omega,
    as well as the type of encryption you want to use for the router.

    config wifi-iface
    	option device 'radio0'
    	option network 'wlan'
    	option mode 'ap'
    	option encryption 'psk2'
    	option ssid 'OmegaRouter'
    	option key 'RouterPassword'

    Once you have finished customizing the WiFi network, simply save and close the file,
    and run the following command to restart the WiFi network:


    Step 3C: Enabling Packet Routing
    Next, you will need to configure the Omega to route packets from the ethernet interface
    (eth0) to your WiFi interface (wlan0). To do this, you will be editing the /etc/config/firewall file:
    find the the block that looks something like the following:

    config zone
    	option name     		wan
    	list   network      'wwan'
    	#list   network     'wan6'
    	option input        ACCEPT
    	option output       ACCEPT
    	option forward      ACCEPT
    	option masq     1
    	option mtu_fix      1

    and add the following line:

    list   network      'wan'

    What you will end up with is something like the following:

    config zone
    	option name     		wan
    	list   network      	'wwan'
    	list   network      	'wan'
    	#list  network     		'wan6'
    	option input        	ACCEPT
    	option output       	ACCEPT
    	option forward      	ACCEPT
    	option masq     		1
    	option mtu_fix      	1

    What this tells the Omega to do is to add the wan network
    (which we defined in /etc/config/network file)
    to a firewall zone called wan.
    This zone has already been setup to route packets to another firewall zone
    called lan, which contains the wlan0 interface.

    Once you have saved and closed the file, run the following command to restart the firewall with the
    updated configuration:

    /etc/init.d/firewall restart

    Once we understand what is going on, we can modify the file. What we are actually doing is to add a single line
    of configuration under zone lan.

    list   network      `lan`

    list means access list, you can get the information through Openwrt Firewall configuration page.

    Now, the configuration looks like this:

    config zone
    	option name     lan
    	list   network      'wlan'
    	list   network      'lan'
    	option input        ACCEPT
    	option output       ACCEPT
    	option forward      ACCEPT

    Now we need to restart the service, by doing /etc/init.d/firewall restart and /etc/init.d/network restart
    (firewall goes first), or simply reboot Omega.
    Step 4: Connect to Lan Switch via Ethernet
    Since we configured all the things, and restarted the service, now we should be able to connect with other
    devices via ethernet. Unfortunately, Onion does not provide an tutorial about how to connect my laptop to Omega.

    Make sure that your connection is set to Obtain IP address and DNS address Automatically. It should be set so by default.

    Using this Setup
    If you have a device that only can be connected via Ethernet and you only have WiFi available, you could apply this tutorial to make it work!

  • administrators

    @Guest erm... is this just the tutorial from https://wiki.onion.io/Tutorials/Using-Omega-As-Wifi-Ethernet-Bridge pasted into the forum???

  • It is actually the combination of two tutorials showing the steps taken to achieve the end result. Posted in an effort to share with @Nayan my exact steps taken as well as using it during my setup as a check off sheet. When carrying out the tutorial it was helpful to see the actual steps rather then links to other steps. As of now have not successfully completed this setup configuration and @Nayan might find it useful to trace my steps and see why it has failed.

  • Hi @Guest

    Could you also post the complete contents of your '/etc/config/network' file here?

  • config interface 'loopback'
        option ifname 'lo'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
    #config globals 'globals'
    #   option ula_prefix 'fd28:1f13:5b38::/48'
    config interface 'lan'
       option ifname 'eth0'
       option type 'bridge'
       option proto 'static'
       option ipaddr ''
       option netmask ''
       option ip6assign '60'
    config interface 'wan'
       option ifname 'eth0'
       option proto 'dhcp'
       option hostname 'OnionOmega'
    #config interface 'wan6'
    #   option ifname '@wan'
    #   option proto 'dhcpv6'
    #config switch
    #   option name 'switch0'
    #   option reset '1'
    #   option enable_vlan '1'
    #config switch_vlan
    #   option device 'switch0'
    #   option vlan '1'
    #   option ports '0 1 3'
    config interface 'wwan'
        option proto 'dhcp'
        option hostname 'OnionOmega'
    #config interface 'wlan'
    #    option proto 'static'
    #    option ipaddr ''
    #    option netmask ''
    #config interface 'wlan'
    #   option ifname 'wlan0-1 wlan0'
    #   option type 'bridge'
    #   option proto 'static'
    #   option ipaddr ''
    #   option netmask ''
    #   option ip6assign '60'

  • @Nayan here are the contents of my wireless config file:

            option type 'mac80211'
            option hwmode '11g'
            option path 'platform/ar933x_wmac'
            option htmode 'HT20'
            option disabled '0'
            option channel '9'
            option txpower '30'
            option country 'US'
    config wifi-iface
            option device 'radio0'
            option network 'wlan'         <----you want me to change this from wlan to wan?
            option mode 'ap'
            option ssid 'Omega-19F3'
            option encryption 'psk2'
            option key 'key'
            option disabled '0'
    config wifi-iface
            option device 'radio0'
            option ssid 'home2'
            option encryption 'psk2'
            option network 'wwan'
            option mode 'sta'
            option key 'key'
            option disabled '0'
    And you want me to uninstall wpad-mini and installing wpad, correct?

  • Yes... Please try that

  • @Nayan ran opkg update, then ran opkg remove wpad-mini all ran fine but when I tried opkg install wpad got:

    root@Omega-xxxx:/# opkg remove wpad-mini
    Removing package wpad-mini from root...
    root@Omega-xxxx:/# opkg install wpad
    Unknown package 'wpad'.
    Collected errors:
     * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad.

  • @Nayan did the opkg update it ran no problem then after the uninstall of wpad-mini and attempt to install wpad no longer had connection.
    Now when i run opkg update get a:

    Collected errors:
     * opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
     * opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/Packages.sig, wget returned 4.
     * opkg_download: Failed to download http://repo.onion.io/omega/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
     * opkg_download: Failed to download http://repo.onion.io/omega/packages/Packages.sig, wget returned 4.
     * opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
     * opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/packages/Packages.sig, wget returned 4.

    When i run opkg update on my other Omega it runs fine?

  • For those wondering why this sounded incomplete including our discussion via chat.

    Guest a day ago
    Any word on the fail of bridge posted my network file for your review
    Nayan about 3 hours ago
    Hey Guest... sorry have been busy with something... Everything seems legit... I have one last thing you can try (cos it worked for me)... try installing wpad removing wpad-mini... though I do not know the exact circumstance for your network it certainly wont harm ur omega to have the full version of wpad... give it a shot and let me know... in the meantime let me see the config again...
    Nayan about 3 hours ago
    Hey guest... I just noticed something...in your '/etc/config/wireless' file just change the 'wlan' to 'wan' and let me know the results
    Nayan 27 minutes ago
    hi there Guest... yes please do those two things and see if it works
    Guest 22 minutes ago
    root@Omega-xxxx:/# opkg install wpad
    Unknown package 'wpad'.
    Collected errors:
    opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad.
    Nayan 12 minutes ago
    U need to uninstall the wpad-mini first
    do an ifconfig to check if you are connected to the internet first
    Nayan 4 minutes ago
    thats really strange...
    Guest 3 minutes ago
    Yup did uninstall wpad-mini before attempting to install wpad
    Nayan 3 minutes ago
    do you mind doing a factory reset?
    Guest 2 minutes ago
    will do and let you know
    Nayan 2 minutes ago
    had to do factory reset several times

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Nayan was curious so checked my other Omega with the most current firmware and here is what I got:

    wpad - 2015-03-25-1 - This package contains a full featured IEEE 802.1x/WPA/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator and Supplicant
    wpad-mesh - 2015-03-25-1 - This package contains a minimal IEEE 802.1x/WPA Authenticator and Supplicant (with 802.11s mesh and SAE support).
    wpad-mini - 2015-03-25-1 - This package contains a minimal IEEE 802.1x/WPA Authenticator and Supplicant (WPA-PSK only).

    It appears you don't have to download and install as they are already present just not sure if they all are loading concurrently?

  • @Haoran-Li followed your tutorial but can not get this to function would you be so kind to review my steps and see if something I did was incorrect?

  • @Lazar-Demin @Haoran-Li Never got this to work have you had time to review my steps and help me out?

  • Can I get some help with this please.

  • @Lazar-Demin said:

    @Guest In the post with all of the configuration files, can you please edit the post to format the settings with code syntax? It's incredibly hard to read with the current formatting.
    There's a guide here: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#code

    I'll ask @Haoran-Li to take a look, meanwhile you should experiment as well, we definitely welcome innovation in the community

    Do you have an update for me on this procedure did I derail following the instructions? Have not heard from Haoran.

  • administrators

    @Guest Hoaran's co-op term with Onion has ended. We're hoping to get him back in the fall for another co-op term šŸ™‚

    In the meantime, we've tried following the tutorial from the beginning with a factory restored Omega and it worked as expected. So we've confirmed the procedure is correct.

    Please try a factory reset on your Omega and try the procedure from the tutorial again. We can provide tutorials and general advice, but we simply do not have the resources to debug cases on an individual basis.

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