This was a real pleasurer today. I just had a bag with the Omega LTE in my car. I didn't need any roof antenna. Perhaps outside Vienna I will need external antennas.

Alfred Riss
@Alfred Riss
The banner shows Ponte del diavolo in Cividale del Friuli (IT). I was there some time ago and I liked it very much
Best posts made by Alfred Riss
Omega2 LTE and Losant work great in Austria (Provider = A1)
RE: Looking for Omega 2+ b202 fw binary
is that what you are looking for?
Latest posts made by Alfred Riss
Installing Node-Red on Omega2 dash
The application manager on Omega2 dash tells you that Node-Red can't be installed on this device.
Nevertheless I was able to install it.extend memory according to:
please consider that some lines of the documentation are outdated. For example: ummount /tmp/mounts/SD-P1 has to be replaced by umount /mnt/mmcblk0p1opkg install node
opkg install oos-app-nodered -
RE: Omega dash sensitivity of touchscreen
mix@crispyoz Hi, thanks for your answer. I just checked again with Touching the screen is not sufficient. I have to press firmly. I found that it works better with a stylus. But this also does not work without pressure. I do not really want to discuss my fat fingers as I can operate any touch screen on my iphone, ipad or lattepanda. But you may be right. I just tried it with my finger nail instead of my finger tip and this works better - even better than the stylus. But I still do not understand why this touch screen is different from all the others.
Omega dash sensitivity of touchscreen
The touch screen on
my omega dash works but I have to press it considerably firmly. It works better with a capacitive stylus. Is there a way to influence the sensitivity of the touch screen or is this sensitivity typical. I would like to tap on the screen instead of pressing it -
RE: Control GPIOs from simple web page
@steeley Sorry, I quoted the wrong project.
This one provides html. -
RE: Control GPIOs from simple web page
@steeley maybe you want to adapt this project: You would use gpioctl instead of expled. The buttons work fine.
RE: GPIO Node Red
I am afraid this is not the most sophisticated setup of all times. But it shows how I can handle input or output on Omega2 pro in Node Red.
There is a pushbutton connected to GPIO0 for input. The led is connected to GPIO18 for output. As soon as I press the pushbutton the led will light. When I release the button, the led will turn off.
Instead of turning on the led Node-Red will give me other possibilities without specific programming. I could twitter 'Hi everybody. I've just pressed the pushbutton!"
RE: GPIO Node Red
dont't know if this will help. I can toggle a led that is attached to GPIO18 by this flow. So it is possible to manage GPIO output or input by system commands
RE: OOS Timelapse camera. Upload to dropbox does not work
@crispyoz Thanks for your feedback. There is a request submitted by already. He found the error in May, 2019. I was able to correct the scripts. But I do neither have the time nor the ability to update the OOS app. It may be done by modifying JSON files, but I don‘t really know
OOS Timelapse camera. Upload to dropbox does not work
Re: Dropbox apptoken saves endlessly
There are errors in the scripts. They renamed /www/apps/oos-app-camera to /www/apps/oos-app-timelapse-camera.
So the scripts do not work. I changed them
After changing the scripts I started all of them manually and now it works.
I think the OOS application still does not work. Onion team please correct the html files and the scripts
Omega2 LTE and Losant work great in Austria (Provider = A1)
This was a real pleasurer today. I just had a bag with the Omega LTE in my car. I didn't need any roof antenna. Perhaps outside Vienna I will need external antennas.