Totally understandable that you are frustrated when things don't work-- but it's important to provide details of your setup and what you have tried to narrow the problem, because for some of us, the Omega 2+ works fine. I connected to mine directly via wifi, set it up in my router using the console, used the serial console with a USB-TTL converter, then SSH'd in from an iPad via wifi, installed nano, (although I had to make a symbolic link of one of the libraries) Python, Apache, MySQL, PHP... and I have journalism and law degrees, not computer science. Maybe power is an issue or a dock? I use my Onion Omega 2+ only with AMS1117-3.3V Mini USB 5V/3.3V DC Precise Power Supply Module I bought for 99 cents hooked to a 1A 5v USB power brick. The onion cloud seems to work with Google Chrome (not on iOS though because it uses same webkit as Safari) but not Safari on Mac. Also be sure to check out resolved issues area