@Costas Costas I am aware that these things already exist for micro controllers that have been out in the wild for longer than the omega. I was referring to a thermostat project that was built specifically for the omega, sorry if i was vague.
I got my Omega2's last week and took a crack at putting my pre-existing thermostat code on to them. Unfortunately, my code base sits at about 21mb, and apparently I didn't buy the omega2 +. So until I get my omega running off of a usb drive I wont be able to do further testing.
My current thermostat project is built using javascript and nodejs. It uses expressjs to create a server that hosts the UI for any device that is connected to the local network. So far the code has a built in local weather forecasting widget, a graph widget, a remote control widget, a photo widget, and a few other interesting bits. I would really love to get this working on the omega for all to enjoy...