I was a sucker and bought one of the Oboo clocks after having good experiences with the original Omega 1 & 2.
Within a week, this clock corrupted itself, showed a garbled screen, and rejected remote login, probably due to sshd not running/core dumped/whatever. Honestly I forgot the initial cause of failure - it was in 2019. Fast forward two years, and I find this paperweight sitting in my dead tech bin, so I figured I'd give it a try here since the Oboo site has been ignoring my Qs since day 1. I tried flashing the 2S in place with some alligator clips, but having no luck. So, short of desoldering it out of the mainboard, any ideas on how to get that firmware reflashed? It doesn't call home anymore, so the fancy remote setup on get-oboo.com doesn't work.
Please excuse the cynicism, but this thing is a $150 POS. Anybody want to trade a dock or two for it?