I put together a quick demo of using the Onion Omega to control a Philips Hue light that I have at my office.
Just thought I would share in case anyone was interested in how to do this.
I put together a quick demo of using the Onion Omega to control a Philips Hue light that I have at my office.
Just thought I would share in case anyone was interested in how to do this.
I created a video on how I setup the Omega to install and run Bottle, a python web framework.
There is another post in the forums, 'Python web framework' which shows you how to use python3. This particular setup video uses python2.
Here is the summary of steps:
vi /etc/opkg.conf
— delete line ‘option check_signature 1'
opkg update
mkdir -p /home/bottle
cd /home/bottle
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/defnull/bottle/raw/master/bottle.py
opkg install python-light
opkg install python-email
opkg install python-codecs
opkg install python-logging
opkg install python-openssl
vi bottle_test.py
from bottle import route, run
def hello(username):
return "Hello {0}. Welcome to the Omega World!".format(username)
run(host='', port=8080, debug=True)
to run:
python bottle_test.py
I too have put together a few videos on python programming for the Omega just incase you find them helpful.
I also wrote a simple, simple wrapper for the gpio which was inspired by Omega user 'Dan L'.
@Lorcan-Adrain Thanks very much - that is my video. I am hoping to add more in the next few weeks. Thanks again for the shout out.
In the 2-Bullet Tuesday emails, you mention: "
P.S. -- Our Omega2 Indiegogo campaign will be ending in the near future! Don't miss your chance to get the Omega2 for just $5!"
Will the Omega2 be generally available after the campaign?
It is not clear to me if you are saying you can only get it for $5 during the campaign but will be available later for a higher price, or if you are telling me that after the campaign you wont be able to get one for any price.
I am curious so I know whether to consider the Omega2 platform for further development.
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.
I have seen this as well - not just on that particular package. I can't explain why - which means I cannot guarantee my suggestion will work for you. But here is what I have done.
I am assuming you are running the 0.0.4 version of the firmware.
vi /etc/opkg.conf
remove the last line because there is an issue with checking the signatures.
opkg update
then try to get that package again.
I hope that works for you.
I tried this today. My Omega was running at my house, and I brought it into work to see if I could see the Omega wifi network. It does show up for me, so I'm not sure what is going on there.
As for factory reset - I do not know a hardware way to do this, but if you have a terminal program ( if you are on a Mac I suggest Serial ), and connect via a USB cable, then you can type in the command:
factory-reset -f
Also if you connect via a terminal you can setup wifi that way, and it is very easy.
I put together this video - I hope it helps.
@Boken-Lin I added another video showing the setup via a terminal application instead of the console app. You can find that here:
@Fred-Blais PyCharm does have a free community version, of course you will still need to (s)ftp the files to the Omega outside of PyCharm. As for over-kill, I think this depends upon your application and whether you can or want to write and debug with a modern IDE or just use print statement.
While I have not tried it yet, PyCharm does allow for remote debugging of applications which can very powerful. Imagine running your app on the Omega, but debugging on your Mac/PC. It also lets you setup a Remote Python Interpreter - which again I have not tried. These are likely professional features which does have a license fee. $89/ 1st year, $71 2nd year, $53 after that. And really - if you are a professional making your living writing software these are amazing tools for that price, IMHO.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Jetbrains in anyway. I'm just a super happy customer of their products.
Personally - I like PyCharm to do this. I created a video which shows you how to develop with PyCharm and deploy to the Onion Omega.
The deployment feature is only available in the professional edition - but I feel that their tools are so reasonably priced for the feature set they provide, as a professional, it is worth the money.
This is my preferred workflow and so far it has worked great. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you are using a far less powerful version of python so you might have to deploy and test to make sure the packages are available to you on the Omega.
I also believe PyCharm can use a remote environment on the Omega so you can be sure it works on the deployed platform - however - this is something I have not tried yet.