Hi everyone
We are developing a IOT gateway and using Omega2S+ as the microprocessor for it.
Previously we have used Omega2S+ LTE dev board to develop and test the firmware written in Python. When we were comfortable with the firmware and knew which io pins we need, we went ahead with custom pcb with omega dev board as reference schematic.
We decided to go with the less powerful BG95, instead of EC25, as we don't need the higher bandwidth or speed.
Now we have received the pcb and are unsure on how to get BG95 working with the Omega2S+. Rest of the pcb is working fine.
Here is the stripped down version of the schematic:

Quectel offers official drivers for Windows and Linux, but we have no idea on how to install them on OpenWrt.
When we run 'ls /dev', there is no ttyUSB* device detected.

When we run 'lsusb', only two devices show up:

If we try to 'opkg install omega2-lte-base', we get the following error:

Any help would be appreciated as we are kind of stuck with a bunch of pcbs that are not functional and our business is depending on them.