lvgl and micropython examples for Onion Omega Dash
I have been working through the widget examples from the lvgl docs site and placed them in the following git repository.
Some of them require a few other files to be created in /root so I leave it up to you to figure that out by reading the code.
My goal is to understand how the widgets work, figure out any limitations then build out a few real world working examples.
I am finding it a bit cumbersome but I am plodding through just the same.
Great stuff Carey, thanks for posting. Keep plodding along, the Dash has a lot of potential.
@crispyoz Thanks, I finally got an MQTT example running but had to install python on the Dash module since I could not find a library for micropython. I am posting video examples on my Youtube channel if you are interested
With some of the examples I have worked through, this module seems very stable. My clock/calendar application has been running for weeks and now that I have worked with MQTT, I think I will update the code to sync the calendar with my google calendar.
@Carey-Capaldi nice video for starters, thanks for posting! (PS the beard could use a trim
@Lazar-Demin from Onion recently posted a setup guide for micropython.
@crispyoz Lol, so can my hair, it's my covid look.
Thanks but I am past that. My question is about MQTT, due to the lack of storage space, I installed python3-light then pip3 and finally paho-mqtt. So I have to run a python3 program in the background to catch mqtt messages then transfer them to the micropython routine running the display. A bit cumbersome but workable.
@Carey-Capaldi Responded in the LVGL+micropython thread on getting mqtt running in micropython. Check it out here:
This way will take up much less space than python3, pip, and paho-mqtt. Will also be a more straight-forward program
Let us know how it goes!
Love the videos btw!
Thanks, I'll take a look at micropython-lib. I just got one of my MQTT test programs on an ESP8266 running with the Omega setup. Will make it a point to reshoot my mqtt video when I get the micropython-lib version running.
Ok I finally got around to installing the micropython-lib on one of my Dash modules. I went to the Git hub site and used the example code there for the umqtt.simple client, to my disappointment it does not return a clean string for the message so for my projects where I convert the string into Json, this simply won't work as is. After searching I found that I had to create a routine to convert the binary text to a proper string I posted it below. I really don't understand why people don't go the extra distance to make things clean when they write code when did "good enough" become the norm?
def make_string(s):