Using WireShark to listen to your Omega2 network activity
If you want to be able to examine your Omega2(S)(+) network traffic, you can use these steps to use WireShark to listen to a tcpdump via ssh from your Omega. I run WireShark on Ubuntu 19 / 20 but this also works on Windoze.
On Ubuntu:
mkfifo /tmp/pipe
sudo apt install wireshark-qt
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/dumpcap
#The next command allows you to run wireshark as a user instead of sudo
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common
wireshark -k -i /tmp/pipe & ssh root@ "tcpdump -i any -s 0 -U -w - not port 22" > /tmp/pipeWireshark will show its main window obscuring the fact that on the terminal your Omega2 is requesting a password. So switch back to the terminal and enter the root password for your Omega2, then back to WireShark and you'll start to see the traffic roll in.
Since this process uses ssh, you can leverage ssh certificate authentication instead so you don't need to enter a password.
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