[RESOLVED] Wifi not being detected! help needed!
So i left my omega + expansion dock unused for approx a month for travelling reasons, however when i got back n tried my omega it's wifi isn't being detected on any network, tried on my laptop, mobile n stuff.
is my omega bricked ?
Hi @Ajay-k ... I had faced a similar issue... I resorted to a factory reset. Alternately, you can try connecting it via serial to see if your wifi service is starting with the onion boot up - this also happened to me once and after I started it up manually one time it worked on subsequent startups
tried putty to connect via serial still nothing shows up
@Ajay-k have you tried a factory reset? the instructions can be found at: https://wiki.onion.io/Documentation/Hardware/Omega-Hardware#the-hardware_reset-button
yep tried it but nothing happens when i press the reset button
btw connected my omega + exp dock now n it keeps on rebooting automaticallyseems like a loose pin contact or something? when i press the omega a bit the amber light blinks.
@Ajay-k It sounds like the Omega isn't fully in the socket. When you look from the side, there shouldn't be any pins visible.
Can you post a picture of your setup?
holy shit lol, i always used my omega + dock without clicking the pins inside the dock, just tried it probably would seem like a noob, however factory reset worked now, thanks for that @Lazar-Demin xD
Cheers mate!
@Ajay-k glad to hear it worked out
Can you please add [RESOLVED] to the topic title?