oled pics scrambled ?

  • hi
    ok worked out some earlier issues
    however when i use the 'OLED expansion control' editor i can upload an image and displays nice , but if i use the editor and upload the bmp or jpg image and then use the terminal to 'draw' its all crazy crap on the screen
    is there a good programme and i will need to know what specs to set the image too, to get the image good

    if i use OLED expansion control and 'save to omega' it doesn't save as a viable look up file - it seems to only display the file at that point in time, or at least i havn't been able to access/view it? as the 'oled expansion control' displays it correctly

    how do i upload a bmp or jpg file for easy look up?

  • administrators

    @Shanan-Clark the Console OLED app actually takes the bmp/jpg file and converts it into a format the OLED display can understand.
    When you try to draw a bmp or jmp directly, it will try to write the bmp/jpg encoded data and you end up with a bunch of nonsense on the screen.

    Yeah, the 'Save to Omega' button is acting up. The last image displayed on the screen using the OLED Console App will be a temporary file located in /tmp
    Try running ls -ltr /tmp and finding a file with a name like /tmp/tmp.<some hash> for example: /tmp/tmp.iekIIJ
    The latest one will hold the image data, move that to your /root directory and you'll have the oled image data of the last image displayed!

  • Awesome thanks! I thought it wasn't working as my unit will not register to the cloud service although i can log in.

    Fun stuff playing with new toys.


    @Lazar-Demin said in oled pics scrambled ?:

    Try running ls -ltr /tmp and finding a file with a name like /tmp/tmp.<some hash> for example: /tmp/tmp.iekIIJ
    The latest one will hold the image data, move that to your /root directory and you'll have the oled image data of the last image displayed!

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