A good power supply project
Omega2+ side:
Gnd and 3v3 pins are connected thru wire-wrap IC socket pins.
330uFD 10V capacitor is used.
What is the SMD marking code of the TD6817 chip please?
And of the TD6811 chip (the PSU of the Expansion Dock)?Thank you in advance for your answer,
SY8009B: CU0FA
TD6817: TD6817
LM3671: SJEB
I would like to power the omega2 directly without a board. I understand it needs 3.3v input, of which there are no standard ones to purchase.
Would I just be able to use a standard usb cable (5V) w/ this 3.3v downstep from Banggood (https://goo.gl/zeb2eJ) to directly power the omega2?
Never mind. Answered my own question: https://docs.onion.io/omega2-docs/hardware-prep-no-dock.html
the TD6817 datasheet lists output @ 1.5v or 1.8v so i'm a bit lost in understanding how it can power the Omega2+.
Output Voltage Programming
In the adjustable version, the output voltage is set by a resistive divider according to the following formula:For example:
Vout= 0.6 * ( 1 + R2 / R1 ) = 0.6 * (1 + 680k / 150k) = 3.32V nom
Make sure getting the TD6817 (with the blank suffix)
not part such as TD6817-1.8 (which is a fixed voltage part.)TD6817 (without suffix) is an adjustable voltage buck regulator which is what we need.
yes, i know how to search. the problem is in the usa there are not any hits that offer this td6817 as you describe. it is 100% full moon tonight so i'm gonna wait a few days and try it again. after 22 years exposure to seach on internet i know when to fold and walk away. it is an interesting build, though. thank you for that!
Try Aliexpress
lm3671mf-3.3 (or LM3671 module) is easier to find. Circuit is simpler but it costs more.