Omega2+ SPI problem
My source code as follows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include </root/test/spi-gpio-driver/include/onion-spi.h>void SpiReadValue(int addr);
int main() {
return 0;
}This code would be transfer a data that 0x40. but, received data is actually 0xC0.
so, I wonder that why data receive as 0xC0.
0x00~0x3F and 0xC0~0xFF data receive correctly.
but, [transfer data] [receive data]
0x40 0xC0
0x50 0xD0
0x60 0xE0
0x70 0xF0
0x80 0x00
0x90 0x10
0xA0 0x20
0xB0 0x30I can not understand. why happen this problem? I need your help.
There have been some related comments made in the past, though from memory I thought those were about the first byte written, still worth checking.
What are you using to send this reply? What exactly is its timing?
Would be great if you could use a scope or even simple USB-based logic analyzer to verify this.
Thanks for your answer.
I found some people that got same problem.
link as follows.
SPI communication problem not fixed.