Not sure about what to do now
Onion omega
When will the onion omega be able to do what it was advertised to do on Kickstarter?
My understanding was the onion omega was to make IoT much easier
But it seem like unless I'm a software developer with years of experience , then all I have is a lot components .
It's like we are trying to figure everything out together as we go, I am very disappointed that nothing is working as it was said to do on Kickstarter.
When will everything be as easy as y'all said it would be on your website and Kickstarter?
it's never easy
but to be honest this is a lot easier than arduino and c programming, now I'm using nodejs instead of c but there is a whole other pack of problems like cross-compiling sound lib so i can use usb sound card.
So comparing this to other stuff out there... this IS easy
Yeah, I have to agree with @Igor-Neuhold here; the Omega is the easiest IoT development platform I've come across to date.
@Leonard-Stroman, what are you looking to do? If there's a project you're working on or someplace you're getting stuck you might be able to get some help here.
Is the onion omega doing what is said it could do NOW?
@Leonard-Stroman I'm not sure what you mean. It's doing everything I expected: it's running Linux, able to access a wide variety of existing software packages, has working display, IO, and networking connectors, and a variety of docks to connect to other hardware. The only things that really stand out as something in the Kickstarter page that aren't really available yet are node.js and the cloud service, both of which the Onion team have been very responsive and communicative about -- they're being prepared now and will be released as soon as they're ready.
What is it that you see as lacking or missing?
I would like to make a pan and tilt webcam, that I can control with a joystick and over the Internet.
I would like to turn lights off and on manually as while as with blynk or something similar to blynk
Will @fader could you please help me learn what I don't know to make the omega do what I need it to do ...
Im a baby when it comes to this stuff, and I don't know where to begin and when I strive to fellow the tutorial all I get is error messages.
Fair enough on the camera; I didn't get one of the camera kits so it looks like those haven't shipped yet. However, the components to do this are there -- you can use a USB webcam and the servo expansion to build a pan/tilt system. You'd still need to write your own code to translate the joystick into motor control. Similarly with lights you could use the relay expansion to provide power and control to lights. Again, you'd need to write your own code to turn the relays on and off. (Remember, this is a platform for you to build things, not a pre-built remote switch or camera device.)
@Leonard-Stroman I and other folks in the community would be happy to help you out
But it would help to know what you're trying to do and where you're running into trouble.
I'd suggest picking one of the tutorials, going through it step by step, and then coming here to say where you ran into an issue. Start with a very simple one, as that will be a good way to verify that you have everything working. (There's a reason the traditional first program in a new language or on a new piece of hardware does nothing more than print "Hello, world" to the screen!)
If you see an error, please make sure to post what the error message is. And be sure to include what you have done up to that point. People will be happy to help but only if you give enough information for them to be able to
I ordered the oled, haven't gotten it yet.
But I have the servos and relay expansions. I also have servos, joystick, lights, everything I need to build my project. I have already built it matter of fact, just need to program to do what I want it to do .
With the arduino I have the pan and tilt and with the raspberry pi I have the Webcam. So my goal was to do both with the onion omega.
I have the basic of the omega up and running but I don't know where to go and what to do next?
I seem to catch on quicker by watching and reading, instead of just reading.
It would be nice to have videos with step by step instructions and what to do when you get a error or when things don't go right.
Tonight I will go over all the tutorial and start my learning from there.
I will get with y'all and let you know how it goes
Your in the same boat as my goals and as you swim with the experts(of which I am not one) keep your eyes peeled for keywords and google the hell out of them. Once I have the extended range part mastered and can modify omega for directional wifi one quarter the battle is complete.
Been noticing OpenCV is tossed about like a verb but deeper research appears to say it has motion detection possibilities, HOW? no idea but my ear is the buffer between the conversations herein and google.
You are not alone my friend.
@Rudy-Trujillo , I've been doing the same thing. Going on YouTube too.
What about motion ? Saw it on openwrt website but not sure how to make it work
Hi @Leonard-Stroman, here's a few things to get you started.
Can you plug in the servo motors into the Servo/PWM expansion, and plug the expansion into the Expansion Dock with the Omega. Then go to the Console and open up the PWM Control app and use the app to control the motion of the servo motor. Play around with with the value of the Duty Cycle. What you want to do here is to find out the duty cycles associated with the range that you want your servo motors to turn for your camera stand. Once you have done that let me know and I will walk you over the next step of how to use these values in your script program to control the servo motors.
Thank you @Boken-Lin
Ok, my ranges 1.0 to 12.0... now what do I do next @Boken-Lin
Ok, now that you know the values your Servos expect, you can start to create a script to control the servos.Familiarize yourself with Python and then check out the PWM Expansion Library wiki, specifically, the sections on the Python module. The wiki contains some example good which should be enough to get you started. Feel free to reach out here if you get stuck.