Installing IOTA Hornet on Omega2+

  • I would like to install IOTA Hornet on me Omega2+
    Has anyone done this before ?
    Can it be done ?
    If so any tips ?

  • @BeekyB If you read their FAQ you'll notice they specify that a Raspberry Pi requires an external SSD and they recommend running on a more powerful device, so that would mean it is very unlikely to work on an Omega2.

  • Banned

    I miss a step by step guide how to install the HORNET node.

    I am an architect / family-father and I aim a average Joe when it comes to computer in general. But I am a big fan of the project and would like to contribute. Now I've decided to try to running a Node...

    I know there is plenty of video describing the individual steps out there. But I can't understand the sequences for the various steps. Like: First you do A.... and then B..... etc ..

    Can someone lead me on my way.

  • @Trystan This is a question best asked on a HORNET specific forum.

  • @Trystan

    1. Download/Install golang for the work-station's OS/platform (I use Debian buster-amd64; adjust installation steps accordingly)
      $ sudo -E apt-get install -t buster-backports golang
      $ go version
      go1.15.9 linux/amd64

    2. go tool dist list
      linux/amd64 (Native; Debian-amd64)
      linux/mipsle (Omega2)

    3. Create a "Hello World" Go Program, hello_world.go & compile
      package main
      import "fmt"
      func main() {
      fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
      $ go build hello_world.go
      $ ./hello_world
      Hello, World!

    4. Cross compile the same for Omega2 (linux/mipsle)
      $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=mipsle go build hello_world.go

    5. Copy the exe to Omega2 and execute
      Hello, World!

    6. Visit the download page; the latest is HORNET-1.0.3;there is no binary dist for linux/mipsle.

    7. Download the "Source code (zip)" to the work-station and unzip it; change directory to the unzipped source folder.

    8. Try compiling it for the native platform & run it
      $ go build
      go: downloading v0.0.0-20210512134444-92ba84ee16f9
      <Compile finished>
      $./hornet --help
      Usage of ./hnet:
      HORNET 1.0.3
      Run './hnet tools' to list all available tools.
      <at least, the basic functionality is working; I didn't go through the documentation to compile hornet with all its features>

    9. Now, try to compile for linux/mipsle
      $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=mipsle go build (you may want to run go clean -x or so in between the compiles)
      ../../../../go/pkg/mod/ type [2147483647]byte larger than address space
      ../../../../go/pkg/mod/!shopify/sarama@v1.29.0/gssapi_kerberos.go:62:10: constant 4294967295 overflows int
      <Compile terminates wit error>

    It might succeed by following the proper options as given in hornet documentation. If not, the error info would be useful when you seek help at HORNET specific forum as @crispyoz advised.

  • Banned

    I miss a step by step guide how to install the HORNET node.

    I am an architect / family-father and I aim a average Joe when it comes to computer in general. But I am a big fan of the project and would like to contribute. Now I've decided to try to running a Node...

    I know there is plenty of video describing the individual steps out there. But I can't understand the sequences for the various steps. Like: First you do A.... and then B..... etc ..

    Can someone lead me on my way.

    Thanks in advance!

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