OpenVPN-OpenSSL Kernel mismatch
I've already created a Github issue for this HERE, tho figured I'd also ask in the community in case someone else has or had a similar issue.
Device: Omega2LTE
Version: 0.3.2 b232 (latest as of 27.09.2023)Trying to install the OpenVPN-OpenSSL package results in the following error:
Installing openvpn-openssl (2.4.5-4.2) to root... Downloading Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for openvpn-openssl: * kernel (= 4.14.81-1-d38bb0cccb6c2f5c91562ebf1fb26fa2) * * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package openvpn-openssl.
I specifically bought the Omega2LTE to try and establish a OpenVPN connection to my home to then connect to a MQTT server there, so hope this can somehow be fixed
@EpicLPer see the updates on the GitHub issues: