Is the onion omega programmable by otg? Like, If i plug it in to my macbook with a data cable and ssh into it does the console show up? Also, does the omega send its own wifi signal? like a hotspot?

Eric Min
@Eric Min
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Onion omega 2 questions???
Latest posts made by Eric Min
responsive console request
for the next firmware update, can the omega console be responsive so that I can view in on my phone too?
sorry, I'm a noob so I don't know how to do this myself, although I'm looking up on websites.Thanks!
onion omega custom firmware
Just by curiosity, will I be able to make custom firmware for the omega? I love the stock firmware but I have always loved debian so I would like a debian port. Or something like TinyCore Linux?Thanks!
Custom linux distro for Omega2?
Is there any way I can make a custom linux distro for the Onion Omega(2)?
I know the given firmware is great but I just want to make my own distro for various reasons.
If it is possible, how do I flash the omega with it? Do I put it on a micro-sd?Thanks!
RE: Omega 2 plus but no sd card slot...
@Douglas-Kryder No it doesn't. But looking at others' replies, I think mine is an Omega 2 plus.
I looked at the documentation, and the Omega 2 is supposed to say Omega 2 on top and the model should be OM-O2. The Omega 2 plus should say Omega 2+ on top and OM-O2P for the model. However, the strange thing is, Mine says Onion Omega 2 on the top but for the model number it says OM-O2P. Here's proof: -
RE: Omega 2 plus but no sd card slot...
Thank you guys!
I was so worried! I thought I ordered the wrong model and so I wouldn't be able to get a replacement...Thanks! I'll file a ticket for a replacement!
Omega 2 plus but no sd card slot...
I just got an Onion omega 2 plus in the mail, or at least I think.
The model number is OM-O2P, which I think means Onion Omega-Omega 2 Plus.
However, on the backside, there is no micro sd card slot! Only the solder pads exsist, and I never soldered on smd parts before. Nor do I know where to get an sd card holder than matches the solder pads on the bottom of my board.
is this normal?Thanks!
Is overheating normal?
as soon as my Omega 2 boots up, it gets crazy hot. I can grab it and hold it in my hands, but still I think it is extremely hot for such a small device.
So, is this normal? Or is my Omega getting high voltage? BTW I'm powering it from usb ports only. Like, you know, power banks, usb wall adapters, my macbook usb port, etc. -
Omega 2 not working
My onion omega 2 just arrived, and it's not working.
The access point has a password, and onioneer is not the correct password.
The serial terminal just spits out gibberish ascii characters.
I really really want my omega to work... -
Help with setting up server
Is there a way to conveniently move files from my mac to the onion omega ?
I have an omega 2 plus, and I want to use it as my own web server. I installed Apache but that's all I did. I have all the files for my website on my Mac, and I just want to copy them to my Omega.P.S. Since I have an omega 2 plus, I want to use an sd card for expanded storage. Is this possible? I saw lots of documentations on how to use the USB port, but I never saw anythin about the sd card slot on the omega 2 plus.
Onion Omega owncloud???
Is it possible???
Also can the omega boot off a usb drive, like, debian server or something?
Also if I expand the filesystem to occupy my usb drive, what happens if I boot the omega with the usb drive not plugged in?