+1 on more categories, like this it gets difficult to find old threads.
I was thinking on a way to categorize in 2 dimensions. One dimension would be the "what you want to do" and the second would be the "what language you use". This way you can search information on "your future project" and instantly know what languages and tools you have to use, or the other way search for things in your preferred language and see what can be done or has been done in the past. Tags on the posts could be used for that.
Also the wiki is getting better and helps a lot. Maybe the community could help on creating more tutorials and how-to documents. I think it would be nice to have a vice-versa connection from the community forums to the wiki but I have not given it thorough thought yet. What if you were reading a tutorial and you could get suggestions on relevant community topics/threads. If I come up with a more specific idea I will post it.