apparent damaged device mounts read only
hi, can't answer your specific questions but if faced with the same dilemma i would try the usb recovery flash method to determine if that process gave similar results.
@Douglas-Kryder Will do!
@Douglas-Kryder That did the trick! As I was thinking flash failure it didn't even occur to me to try the USB method. It works!
Now, any ideas about fixing a unit that won't power up in the exact same working dock? ;^)
probably try a power up via direct connection to pins. absent any activity that way i may try a power applied shorting of pins but if nothing lights up i'd consider it dead for the moment as at that point i'd guess i'd need to remove the shield and trace to the point that applied power stops on the circuit. in any event these things, as well as all electronic devices and humans/animals/plants do eventually die.
good luck.
@Douglas-Kryder I'll likely try that. Another baffling point is does indeed power up in a breadboard dock.
Read the golden rule of powering the Omega2:
@William-Scott i did not remember that from original post. are you sure that the omega2 is inserted correctly in the dock giving you issues? reason i ask is i swap out of docks frequently and some times find myself getting it wrong way or a set of pins not in socket. other than that i haven't a clue as to why this would happen.
@ccs-hello Excellent point. The baffling facts are these. Background: Expansion Dock is powered via USB cable from a laptop. Facts: Several other O2+ units work flawlessly in this configuration (same dock). The suspect unit does not power up (only going by LED; will probe with multimeter or scope later). Two Expansion Docks were employed with identical results. The same voltage regulator, obviously, is providing 3.3vdc to any unit in that dock. When placed in Breadboard Dock the meter integrated into a nice power supply (read ~$1,100 worth of power supply) is reading 3.300vdc.
The laptop --> USB --> Expansion Dock is perfect for five O2+ devices and troublesome for one.
So, I'm still short a measurement or two, but hopefully later today.
@Douglas-Kryder Good point! I'm hyper vigilant about that. I have several units on the bench and always look around for a working model to prevent reverse insertion. The pins are all pristine and there has not been an accidental pin offset. This is through several cycles of dock and O2+ swapping. Huh!
@Douglas-Kryder @ccs-hello One more point. I've not yet metered the O2+ in the troubled dock configuration. Have only "known" lack of power up by lack of LED, basically not knowing all of the facts. Just got out a USB-LVTTL converter. Will connect later today to tty0 in breadboard dock to see if I can reflash. If so, the O2+ device may emerge from some hosed up state that prevents full boot, or perhaps even continuation past very early boot, to come up in a healthy state that will work in all configs.