Simple PHP-Web-Gpio example switching leds
As a first project I implemented an old application with which one can switch 2 leds, connected to gpio ports, on and off. The application is straight forwards, using only PHP and PHP-CGI.
First you have to install PHP and PHP-CGI (see openwrt-wiki)opkg update opkg install php5 php5-cgi
Notice the /etc/php.ini file afterwards.
You also need to add the line:list interpreter ".php=/usr/bin/php-cgi"
to the 'main' section of the /etc/config/uhhtpd file
Restart your webserver with
/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
and now you're up and running for using PHP
I used gpiocfg instead of fast-gpio mainly because I didn't know of the existence of fast-gpio. In the first few lines of the PHP file you can select the gpio pins to use. Start using the webpage calling Omega-abcd.local/php/SwitchLeds.php in your browser.
The PHP file is:
Place this file in /www/php, otherwise you need to change the above URL.
Have fun!
@Rinus-van-Weert Great! Thanks for the example!
Hi Rinus,
Thanks for the example. I got stuck as follows: php5 installed OK, but messages came back from opkg "Unknown package 'php5-cgi'." and "cannot install php5-cgi". There is no file php-cgi in the directory /usr/bin. Do you have a suggestion?
Thank you.
Any update on this? My first project and it crashed as in the previous comment.
Off to find another project to try, I guess.
Try updating to the latest firmware, running
opkg update
and then tryingopkg install php5 php5-cgi
Worked on my end.
Thanks for the pointers here @Rinus-van-Weert! I've managed to get PHP up and running without any fuss at all. Only last thing I'd add is whilst you're in modifying uhttpd you might want set up a secondary site.
So in
I've added the following below the main config definition... config uhttpd 'myapp' list listen_http '' list listen_http '[::]:4000' list interpreter '.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi' option home '/www/myapp' option cgi_prefix '/cgi-bin' option index_page 'index.php' option error_page '/oopsie.html' ...
The benifit (for me) being that, if you wanted to, you can access this site from the wider world without exposing the console.
Happy Hacking all
@Bo-Barry got it loaded, now don't know to 'run it'. First time PHP.
@Rinus-van-Weert thanks for the example.
find an small error on this line: "to the 'main' section of the /etc/config/uhhtpd file" => uhhtpd = uhttpd@Bo Barry you can run the program in your brouwser, http:\ipadres.for.onion\php\SwithcLeds.php
(if you put the script in www/php as SwitchLeds.php)I have also a relay expansion and make 2 functions for this:
function initRelay( ){ // init Relay expansion $command = 'relay-exp -i'; exec( $command ); //init } function writeRelay( $pen, $value){ if ( is_numeric( $value) ) // check if value is a number, could also be empty, if so write value tot output pin { $command = 'relay-exp ' .$pen .($value == 1 ? ' 1' : ' 0'); $res = exec( $command ); echo $res; } return $value; }
but there is no way to get the status of the relays. you only now the status when init.
@Lazar-Demin Hi Lazar, After opkg update, php5-cgi installed and I was able to run PHP srcipts, like SwitchLeds and others. Thanks for the help. I had recently done the opkg update, so how often does it need to be run?
@Yale-E.-Goldman Package indexes are usually updated daily, so it's recommended that you do an
opkg update
before eachopkg install
@Boken-Lin @Rinus-van-Weert How can I install the "SwitchLeds.php" file directly to the onion omega? Thanks for the awesome example, I have been looking at making a project like this, but I had no idea whatsoever on what to do.
Hi, I have made a class that use this functions to control the Onion
php_onionI found an other interesting topic here that use an other approach
@Kyle I use pscp from putty with flag -scp
Use>PSCP.exe -scp -pw {onionpasw} source\* root@{onion.IP}:/www/php
to copy source to php directory
@Kyle from your Omega, you can also do a wget to get the file
wget --no-check-certificate
Thanks guys! will do!