Omega web app
I wrote a python bottle web app to control the Omega board. Its on youtube:
The omega has the console to control pins and relays and such, but it is a bit awkward. I wrote this to make it easier to control the omega board. Its customizable in that you can program as many pins and relay buttons as you want. The button and light designs i made on inkscape and can easily be changed to whatever you want.If there is any interest i would happily post the code on a public website if any are available. It would be open sourced by me.
I used the gpio python module and the python relay expansion module. Thanks onion they worked great.
I am a hacker so the code is probably far from perfect.
Awesome!!! We all love it here at Onion HQ!We're hard at work on the cloud, one of the features being an App builder to quickly and easily create an app like yours! Stay tuned!
Can you make your project available for download so we can try it !?
@Johan-Simons I'd be happy to post the code but i need a place to post it in. I don't have a web server of my own. If you can give me a rsource to place it in i'd appreciate it.
@Chuck-Parro Public repos on GitHub are free of charge!
@Chuck-Parro The best place to make code available is on GitHub. Go to and create a repository to which you can upload the files and let all who are interested know the address of your repostory.
@Kit-Bishop said:
I got a github id and am figuring out how to set it up. Hopefully, in a few days i will post it and others can try the code and see what they think. I'm an nba fan and the playoffs start this weekend. Don't expect something for a couple of days.
thanks for the github tip.
Hi Chuck, thanks for sharing this and nice work
I as well would like to download the source if you wind up getting it posted to GitHub.