Does node.js not include packages in opkg yet?
@Theodore-Borromeo About the Console, the front-end is implemented in HTML and Javascript, and the back-end uses the OpenWRT UBUS service, which is language independent.
Don't worry, we plan to release a detailed guide on how to implement your own apps and how to extend the UBUS service! No definite timeline for this guide but it's definitely on our list of priorities.
@Boken-Lin @Lazar-Demin
from borromeotlhs/onion-omega:v1is now available for use in a Dockerfile. it'll contain the entirety of the toolchain per your cross compile environment setup guide.
@Theodore-Borromeo This is fantastic! We'll put it up on our website so that everyone can use it to compile their firmwares
@Boken-Lin That's fine, but I still haven't compiled a thing with it!! Can anyone test it to compile some drivers and stuff?
@Theodore-Borromeo I will test it out when we are doing our own compilation stuff. BTW, would you be able to write a simple tutorial in markdown showing the steps to get the image up and running on Docker? I think it can be a really useful thing to have on our wiki!
@Boken-Lin Assuming you know how to use docker, there are only a few ways to run it:
1.) Pull the image from docker hub and run an interactive console. e.g.:
docker pull borromeotlhs/onion-omega:v1
docker run -it 'borromeotlhs/onion-omega:v1' /bin/bash2.) Pull the image from docker hub, reference it in your own Dockerfile 'FROM' line, run resultant image built from that Dockerfile. e.g.:
docker pull borromeotlhs/onion-omega:v1<Dockerfile>
FROM borromeotlhs/onion-omega:v1RUN . . .
</Dockerfile>docker build -t 'my-new-image' .
docker run -it 'my-new-image' /bin/bashThere
But yeah, let me know what repo you want me to write this out in Markdown, and I'll try to get to it.
My vote for a package you all could try:
@Theodore-Borromeo Is this your published docker image - Is it best to start with this then?
Has anyone had success building the iojs 2.x package?
@Theodore-Borromeo I got your docker container running. Is it supposed to have node compiled, or do I still need to follow that process. As soon as I got the bash prompt I tried to get the node version, but node is not found.
ā ~ docker run -it 'borromeotlhs/onion-omega:v1' /bin/bash onion@2af6d87347d6:/openwrt$ ls BSDmakefile LICENSE README config feeds feeds.conf.default package scripts target toolchain Makefile appendtoconfig docs feeds.conf include staging_dir tmp tools onion@2af6d87347d6:/openwrt$ node --version bash: node: command not found
@Chris-Ward I compiled node from a completely different process than Onion's buildroot. It is also available at:
borromeotlhs/docker-onion-omega-nodejsThis image will contain the precompiled node and v8 binaries in them, I think in a folder called 'node_deploy'. That image will, I assume, have a working toolchain in it, though not entirely sure it was specifically suited to the onions hardware (tho node and v8 seem to work).
good luck!
@Theodore-Borromeo Great job Theodore!
@Theodore-Borromeo When I pull, I get a latest not found. Did you push this?
@Chris-Ward Uggh. I didn't push it, you're right. Please copy the Dockerfile at:
mydockerfileand then run:
cd mydockerfile/
docker build -t '<yourusername>/docker-onion-omega-nodejs' .until I get this uploaded after I build on my ancient personal machine
@Chris-Ward Turns out that I can't push a tag to an Automated Build, and as the build failed, I had to delete and recreate this repo.
Pushing now. . . Failed
Please try building as per above, and let me know. I'll have to rerun the build at home and push from there
@Theodore-Borromeo looks like the actual dockerfile (recipe) is gone now from docker hub. Do you want to email it to me? veggie2u at
@Chris-Ward ugh. I'm an idiot
Here is the github repo the automated build was supposed to work from:,
@Chris-Ward @Boken-Lin @Lazar-Demin The 'v1' tag was pushed successfully last night. This is what I used to create node and libv8 binary, and they will be in the 'node_deploy' directory of this image once pulled. Keep in mind, the image is 3GB:
Hey @Theodore-Borromeo it worked/downloaded with the command
docker pull borromeotlhs/docker-onion-omega-nodejs:v1
Weird that docker said that it was a legacy repository.
I can't manage to get into the container. I am trying this command from the docker file:
docker run -d --net=none --expose=[9000] -p -t alljoyn-builder:production
(file says sudo, but not sure if you would need to)
For some reason I keep getting a "no matches found: --expose=[9000]" which is weird. I am wondering if it is something with my docker setup - I am using zsh not bash. I just got started with docker, and the examples all worked, but I can't launch this one.
@Chris-Ward you can run the image you pulled with:
docker run -it borromeotlhs/docker-onion-omega-nodejs:v1 /bin/bashyou pulled one image, and tried to run an older image via a tag that you may not have. I also tend not to bother with a daemon for build toolchains, but that's just me