According to your post it is possible to install the home automation software Domoticz on the Omega2 by getting access to the genuine LEDE repos. I altered the /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf accordingly, rebooted and updated OPKG. Packages were downloaded. But after the install command, I get the message Unknown package 'domoticz". I searched this community and the internet for solutions, but found nothing. Could it be that the Domoticz package is removed from the LEDE repo? Is there any way you can help me out?
As i know the omega has a firewall active ... so 8080 is might not open for the modem network. And not forget to check the modem for port forwarding of 8080 (you have to access as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080).
Maybe have a look in the wiki about the router/wireless extender tutorial for the omega, to see how to configure the firewall from it.
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