Onion Store Power Dock Differences?
I would like to purchase a power dock for my omega2+ so I can take one of my projects with me. There are 2 Power Docks on the store, the Power Dock and Power Dock 2. One is $5 cheaper than the other; what is the difference between the two?
Similarly, I would like to pick up an additional Expansion Dock, do I need to worry about any compatibility issues i.e. are there multiple versions of the Expansion Dock as well?
there is quite a bit of documentation. like this page,
@Douglas-Kryder They both look 100% identical physically. From your link:
"What differs Power Dock 2 from the original Power Dock is that it has the Battery Level ADC that allows you to accurately monitor the voltage of your battery. Another update is that GPIOs 18 & 19 are now available on the Expansion Header!"
What does this mean in practical terms? Is the original dock fully compatible with all the expansions (relay, servo, oled, etc.)? will the GPS expansion work?