How to Ask for Help on this Forum
This community forum is a place for Omega2 users to share knowledge and help each other out.
Before asking for help
- Try looking at the Technical FAQs section to see if your issue is frequently encountered.
- If not, try searching the forum to see if other users have experienced something similar in the past.
Making a Post
If you can't find any relevant posts, feel free to start a new thread. Keep in mind that if you're asking for help, you will get better results if you do a good job explaining your issue or question well.
Other community users cannot offer helpful feedback if we cannot fully understand the issue you're experiencing or the context behind it.
A Good Post Includes...
To properly explain your problem and give context, here are some ideas of what you should include in your post:
- Product being used
- For Omega2, Omega2+, Omega2S, or Omega2S+, please provide some details about the carrier board being used. Is it an Omega2S Dev Kit, an Omega2 Dock, or is it custom hardware?
- Firmware version
- If it's custom firmware, let us know what it's based on (for example Onion's OpenWRT fork or vanilla OpenWRT, and which release)
- Description of the issue and context
- Expected Behavior
- Observed Behavior
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- What's been attempted to resolve the issue
- What kind of help are you looking for?
- Attachments (if any)