Unable to listen on IPv4 port 5000

  • I am trying to follow the setup guideline for the airplay speaker project (https://docs.onion.io/omega2-project-book-vol1/airplay-audio-receiver.html) but can't seem to work anymore.

    So I successfully set it up on a different wifi network once, but then when I tried to use it somewhere else it stopped working. I knew I need to change the wifi setup, which I did too. I kinda wanted to get it down quickly so I thought I will just reformat it and then try to redo every step again, but then I couldn't make it work again.

    When I started the service at the last step with shairport-sync -d , I couldn't see it on my iPhone. So first I checked if the daemon is running with ps | grep shair which showed it runs:

    1887 root      4360 S    /usr/bin/shairport-sync -c /var/etc/shairport-sync-shairport_sync.conf                                                          
    2029 root      1216 S    grep shair

    Then I checked the following too: shairport-sync -v

    alsa output device name is "default".
    Version: "3.1.6-mbedTLS-tinysvcmdns-ALSA-metadata-sysconfdir:/etc"
    statistics_requester status is 0.
    daemon status is 0.
    deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
    rtsp listening port is 5000.
    udp base port is 6001.
    udp port range is 100.
    player name is "Omega-AB33".
    backend is "(null)".
    on-start action is "(null)".
    on-stop action is "(null)".
    wait-cmd status is 0.
    on-start returns output is 0.
    mdns backend "(null)".
    stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
    resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
    allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
    busy timeout time is 120.
    drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
    password is "(null)".
    ignore_volume_control is 0.
    volume_max_db is not set
    playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
    disable_synchronization is 0.
    use_mmap_if_available is 1.
    output_rate is 44100.
    output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).                                                                    
    audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.                                                                                                  
    audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.                                                                                                         
    audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.                                                              
    volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.                                                                                  
    zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".                                                                                                                         
    decoders_supported field is 1.                                                                                                                            
    use_apple_decoder is 0.                                                                                                                                   
    alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.                                                                                                                   
    no special mdns service interface was requested.                                                                                                          
    configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".                                                                
    metadata enabled is 0.                                                                                                                                    
    metadata pipename is "(null)".                                                                                                                            
    metadata socket address is "(null)" port 0.                                                                                                               
    metadata socket packet size is "500".                                                                                                                     
    get-coverart is 0.                                                                                                                                        
    loudness is 0.                                                                                                                                            
    loudness reference level is -20.000000                                                                                                                    
    Successful Startup                                                                                                                                        
    Unable to listen on IPv4 port 5000. The error is: "Address in use".                                                                                       
    Unable to listen on IPv6 port 5000. The error is: "Address in use".                                                                                       
    fatal error: Could not establish a service on port 5000 -- program terminating. Is another instance of Shairport Sync running on this device?             
    Request to shut down all rtsp conversation threads                                                                                                        
    asking playing threads to stop

    So I could see there was some issues and couldn't start properly and has to do with port 5000. Then I wanted to check if something else maybe running on port 5000, so I did: netstat -nlp, which resulted the following:

    Active Internet connections (only servers)                                                                                                                
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name                                                          
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1887/shairport-sync                                                       
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1777/shellinaboxd                                                         
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1294/uhttpd                                                               
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1258/dropbear                                                             
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1589/mosquitto                                                            
    tcp        0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN      1887/shairport-sync                                                       
    tcp        0      0 :::9001                 :::*                    LISTEN      1589/mosquitto                                                            
    tcp        0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      1294/uhttpd                                                               
    tcp        0      0 ::1:53                  :::*                    LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    tcp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab35:53 :::*                    LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    tcp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab33:53 :::*                    LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    tcp        0      0 fd1d:48c4:7633::1:53    :::*                    LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    tcp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab33:53 :::*                    LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    tcp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab34:53 :::*                    LISTEN      1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    tcp        0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      1258/dropbear                                                             
    udp        0      0*                           1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    udp        0      0  *                           1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    udp        0      0*                           1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    udp        0      0    *                           1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    udp        0      0  *                           1887/shairport-sync                                                       
    udp        0      0  *                           1443/avahi-daemon:                                                        
    udp        0      0 :::547                  :::*                                1194/odhcpd                                                               
    udp        0      0 ::1:53                  :::*                                1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    udp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab35:53 :::*                                1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    udp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab33:53 :::*                                1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    udp        0      0 fd1d:48c4:7633::1:53    :::*                                1836/dnsmasq                                                              
    udp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab33:53 :::*                                1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    udp        0      0 fe80::42a3:6bff:fec0:ab34:53 :::*                                1836/dnsmasq                                                         
    udp        0      0 :::5353                 :::*                                1443/avahi-daemon:                                                        
    raw        0      0 ::%1:58                 ::%4460556:*            58          1194/odhcpd                                                               
    raw        0      0 ::%1:58                 ::%4460556:*            58          1194/odhcpd     

    I really don't know what is going on and why is it not deploying properly.

    I am using an Omega2 with an Expansion Dock.

    I also edited the config file at /etc/config/shairport-sync like :

    # Use OpenWrt UCI config
    config shairport-sync 'shairport_sync'
            option enabled '1'
            option respawn '1'
            option name 'Shairport-Sync-%v-%h'
            option password ''
            option mdns_backend 'tinysvcmdns' # avahi/external-avahi/dns-sd/external-dns-sd/tinysvcmdns

    Does anyone have some ideas or suggestions how can I resolve the issue with port 5000? I tried to google it, but nothing useful came up.

  • @cskocsis I would first determine which IP it is attempting to listen on as it could be one of 3 addresses. I don't use this app but I suspect you can configure which address it listens on. The issue may be that it is trying to bind on the address (listen on all IP) and is failing on one of the interfaces which may not be the one you want to use.

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