[O2+ with Arduino Dock 2]
After leaving the Onion take dust for over 8 months because of this problem i gave it a try today ..
No success ... i was reading this thread again from the whole beginning and tried litteraly everything.
i confirm that :
- all this was done on a fresh new installation of last Onion firmware
- i added the lines in boards.txt (as you can see further my arduino IDE recognises the board)
i use arduino 1.8.5 but anyway even via ssh with the ino in /root/ folder i have the same damn error
- i have AvrDude 6.1 installed (not the newest from LEDE package)
Still the same error i had 9 month ago, directly in SSH or on Arduino IDE

i don't have the buggy AVR-dude from later versions (LEDE Package Repos are commented out) / i have v 6.1

ANYWAY => same error, in IDE like in SSH

HELP ! i tried everything, spend hours having an headache because of this ...
The only thing i didn't do is to try to flash again the bootloader
(because i just have the Arduino dock and it would be a pain in the ass to put these wires on ICSP ...
anyway it might not solve the problem
this procedure : https://wiki.onion.io/Tutorials/Arduino-Dock/Initial-Setup#arduino-dock-setup_using-the-omega-expansion-dock-with-the-arduino-dock-icsp-header
do anyone did this ? flash the ArduinoDock2 from Onion2 while the onion is currently on that dock ?
I beg for help im desperate. I backed Onion to be able to use it with Arduino and it does not work.
is it possible that the dock or arduino itself is defectuous ?