1-Wire Temperature Sensor - DS18B20 - on Omega2
@WereCatf I agree completely. Especially as, if it is fixed 'upstream', and your patch stayed, there is minimal effect should it stay in place! On top of that, as you are pointing out, "everyone wants the perfect patch, but ain't no one wanna write the perfect patch!"
Hi All, so what do I have to do to install your patch? I need a temperature controller for my next project.
Keep up the good work!
Just think of all the other sensors that have to be "worked on" by the Onion programmers !
@Morten-Egge You can't apply the patch to the official firmware, you need to compile your own or wait for the Onion devs to fix theirs. I have already included the patch in my LEDE-sources.
@WereCatf Thanks for the update/answer, hopefully the onion team will adress this issue. I have a project that requires the one wire sensor. I do understand that the onion team has a lot on they're plate right now.
I get also this gpio error
. When Onion correct this to firmware?? I have firmware 0.1.9 (b149) and it don't work!!! Please do something!!
@Lazar-Demin any idea when 1-wire will be returned to the firmware so we can all hook up our sensors?
This is basically the "hello world" of sensors programs and it is broken.
I'm beginning to wonder if the MKR1000 would have been a better option.
Onion issued a post on GitHub that they are planning to look at 1-wire this week.
firmware update arrived:
February 2, 2017
- Added patch to fix 1-wire master issue where virtual nodes were not accepted as gpios
- Infra: added option for quick (essential) compile
- Infra: reorganized patches
I guess they patched it, will check later...
As far as I can tell it is working
did my first reading.
Following the Omega (1) instructions:
How do we do an upgrade to b151 without losing everything we have installed to /usr/bin?
Confirmed as working fine on my 2+
@Costas-Costas Did you find a solution for your backup problem?
Nope, reinstalling now.
At a crude level you could probably do something like tar up everything in /overlay to /tmp, and scp that off. The question would be if you could then put it back exactly, or if you would have to do so piece by piece. If changes to the underlying system are small it might go back exactly.
But LEDE/openwrt normally have their own backup capability when doing a sysupgrade.
It is still not working for me. I just upgraded to the b151 firmware. I got the directory
, but I got slave entries like:root@omega:/sys/devices/w1_bus_master1# ls -1d ??-* 00-100000000000 00-900000000000 00-e00000000000
And it keeps changing. But I never see the correct serial number of the device.
@Bertalan-Gergaly that suggests you haven't wired up the sensor correctly.
My first thought was exactly that. So I redid the wires before posting. Same result.
I did a check just now. The data pin is not connected to the omega, just the ground and the power and I still got the weird devices:
root@omega:/sys/devices/w1_bus_master1# ls -1d ??-* 00-400000000000 00-c00000000000
And I just did a retest without anything connected to the omega and I still got the weird devices:
root@omega:/sys/devices/w1_bus_master1# ls -1d ??-* 00-400000000000 00-800000000000
@Bertalan-Gergaly said
I did a check just now. The data pin is not connected to the omega, just the ground and the power and I still got the weird devices:
Is something pulling up the data line as required for 1-wire?
If the line is floating, odd results should not be unexpected.
Try it again with a 4.7 K resistor (or for a temporary experiment, anything from 1K - 10K) between the data line and the 3.3 v rail.
OK, I got it working. I had to change the power supply from a phone charger to a 'real' power supply.