Omega2 I can't get serial connection

  • My Omega2 + mini Dock does not start the wifi network (it was a long time ago, I don't remember what I did to make this happen), so I'm trying to update the firmware via USB, I'm following the documentation but I can't connect to the serial port, when I run the command screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 the terminal has no response (yes, I pressed enter several times), after closing the terminal and running the command sudo dmesg I have the error: cp210x ttyUSB0: failed set request 0x12 status: -110

    is he dead?

  • @Josinaldo-Albuquerque-Barbosa Try a factory reset this may fix the wifi issue before spending to much time on the serial matter, the procedure is here

  • I've tried, it blinks for about 30 seconds but nothing happens

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