21 May 2020, 08:17
I wanted to configure IPv6 on my omega2+ - after fruitless searches on the interwebs, I decided to put into practice what I learned when making a dumb AP in openwrt. I'd say it was a case of trial and error, except there was no error, nailed it first go
First, you'll want to set up a interface to use dhcpv6 with:
uci set network.wwan6="interface"
uci set network.wwan6.proto="dhcpv6"
uci set network.wwan6.ifname="@wwan"
uci set network.wwan6.reqprefix="no"
uci commit network
then run the following:
uci show firewall | grep network
and take note of the zone that contains wwan
my output had:
So, using zone[1]:
uci -q delete firewall.@zone[1].network
uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network="wwan"
uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network="wwan6"
uci commit firewall
and finally
service network restart
service firewall restart
You should now have a fully functional ipv6 client