Missing packages when building Custom Firmware
of course i tried this before and now againbut same error
the question is which file tells the builder where to find the packages? Cause package is inside the repo but it seems the "link" to the package is not there (thats why i'm thinking about the index.json inside http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05.3/targets/ramips/mt76x8/packages/ ) , every package entry is inside there except the p44 package.
Or maybe the p44 package is not inside the Packages.gz?
@DocHardinger I managed to duplicate your issue. It seems there has been a change in the repo list in the profile, since the last time I downloaded it. The current version on github omits one of the repos, just add this one to the end of the repo list:
src/gz onion_openwrt_packages_core http://repo.onioniot.com/omega2/packages/openwrt-$OPENWRT_VERSION/core
Then run build_firmware and kmod-p44-ledchain is included fine.
Not sure why the repo has been removed, that's one for @Lazar-Demin
@crispyoz Thx a lot now its working.
Didnt recognized the missing core repo.
This was an oversight on my end. It went unnoticed because the p44 ledchain package is not part of our default firmware. So we never ran into the issue.
We've updated the image builder profiles in the OnionIoT/openwrt-imagebuilder-wrapper and OnionIoT/openwrt-packages (openwrt-23.05 branch) repos to include the new repo (http://repo.onioniot.com/omega2/packages/openwrt-23.05.3/core/).Now firmware images that include the
package can be built out of the box.
Why was this an issue?
- The
package is no longer being built with the build system, so it's no longer available in the http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05.3/targets/ramips/mt76x8/packages/ package repo, as @DocHardinger noticed above - Now, the OpenWRT SDK is being used to build the
package, this involved creating a new package repo - The new package repo was included in the firmware and in the OpenWRT SDK wrapper configuration, but not the image builder configuration
See the relevant thread for more details
- The
@Lazar-Demin has something changed in image builder? Now i get this error:
* pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency python3-bcrypt for python3-paramiko * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency python3-cryptography for python3-paramiko * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for python3-paramiko found, but incompatible with the architectures configured * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package python3-paramiko.
@DocHardinger It looks like those packages are not in the openwrt.org repos, I can see them in 22 but not in 23 or 24. If you look in your openwrt-imagebuilder-wrapper/openwrt-imagebuilder/repositories.conf you can see the openwrt repos.
Yes but days before building was successful, so something has changed. Maybe the repo from openwrt then...ich will check this
if you look here: https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/23.05.3/packages/mipsel_24kc/packages/ there is the paramiko package...
Ahh now i see its python3-bcrypt which is missing...thats what you mean...but why did it worked a few days ago, iยดve changed nothing inside the build environment.
When i try to install it with pip the omega reboots when trying to install bcrypt...
@crispyoz i found out this: https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/faillogs-23.05/mipsel_24kc/packages/python-bcrypt/ there seems to be some error when compiling the package..Looks like they updated the repo 2 days ago but compiling bcrypt wasnt successful and so the package is missing...did i get this right?
but what can i do now?
@DocHardinger These are some of the reasons I build my own firmware
Their log indicates some issue with missing rust compiler.
Report the issue on openwrt forum, some of the devs haunt that place so you might get noticed, it's broken on 24.10 as well so it'll get some attention.
Here is a link to a mirror of the openwrt repo that seems to sync every few days, I just checked and the ipks you need are still there so you can grab them ASAP.
@crispyoz Yes its still there but its for mips and not mipsel, and for mipsel its not there
... damn even the ipk i cant find anywhere
@DocHardinger Oops yes you are correct. Let me see if any of the other slow mirrors I found previously have it. Otherwise we can always build it.
@DocHardinger Here they are: OpenWrt Archive