And going....
root@Omega-FA93:~# uptime
07:33:38 up 727 days, 13:49, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
And going....
root@Omega-FA93:~# uptime
07:33:38 up 727 days, 13:49, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Still going strong:
root@Omega-FA93:~# uptime
12:23:21 up 576 days, 18:38, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Your file will be there, but is being replaced and removed at startup by the code in: files/etc/uci-defaults/14_banner
@chris-ร-Luanaigh asked:
A question - why is the global version $19 more expensive?
I'd expect that the chip in the global model that supports all the additional bands is more expensive.
The short answer is: Yes
However, there is more to it than just supplying 3v3 power.
Experience has shown us that the Omega2 is very sensitive to power fluctuations, requires a regulator at least, but a couple of caps are highly recommended together with the use of short, heavy gauge wire due to the current drawn when hitting wifi initialisation at boot.
Your first port of call should be the official documentation here: Powering the Omega with No Dock
Next, doing a quick search of these forums will yield a fair amount of discussion from the enthusiasts here on their own experiences and suggestions on making it a smoother experience for you.
Here is just one thread of many: [Resolved] Omega 2+, Powered without Dock, Shuts off after 18s
Having said all that, do not underestimate the power of having a spare expansion dock available when things go wrong. It is by far the simplest way to power your O2 and get direct serial access to the console for troubleshooting.
Welcome and Good luck !!
Looks like a good move: MIPS Goes Open Source
Will that MediaTek wifi driver that was the bane of our development efforts before the warp core release now enter the public domain, I wonder? ;->
@brolly759 said
I tried the above and it worked, if you have the time, try it to and let me know how it goes!
Well, perhaps you can backup your uboot, but it seems that you can't write it back this way:
# mtd write u-boot.bin mtd0
Could not open mtd device: mtd0
Can't open device for writing!
You can, but it's not as trivial, so it requires some hoop jumping to get it done.
# mtd write u-boot-env.bin u-boot-env
Unlocking u-boot-env ...
Writing from u-boot-env.bin to u-boot-env ...
# mtd write u-boot.bin u-boot
Unlocking u-boot ...
Writing from u-boot.bin to u-boot ...
@jokre said:
Another scenario is if I boot the Omega2 up with the battery attached and using USB power and then disconnect the USB power, the Omega2 continues to operate. But... if I re-attach USB power again, the Omega2 dies (and the orange LED goes off and the AP stops to work). Power LED is still on and if I have anything presented on the attached OLED expansion, it still shows even if the Omega2 is not working so the hardware stack has power coming into it.
Fairly common problem I've seen. What I do to overcome it is use a really good power supply (>=2A) and a short USB cable with thick gauge cable.
Typically I see it when powering the device via USB with battery attached and then there's a power failure. The device continues to run on battery, but as soon as the power returns, it dies. Solution = short, thick gauge USB power cable.
@Douglas-Kryder said in [resolved]GPS device disappeared on Omega2 LTE:
@Gyรถrgy-Farkas said in [resolved]GPS device disappeared on Omega2 LTE:
The USB Host port of this board is not accessible (it's not exposed) because it's currently used by the LTE module.
So flash the firmware via USB is not possible at all.thanks. so i read the guide and there is no mention of firmware recovery for this LTE model. is that the case or is there some undocumented path like maybe just creating a serial connection from the interrupted boot sequence menu to a computer. or, maybe store a copy of the firmware in a special folder on the emmc . or did they give this LTE no recovery path? i've been thinking about getting this LTE to replace a particle electron but having had to do the recovery sequence on a few original omega2+ because of bad firmware, i'd won't buy one if recovery isn't possible.
thanks for your insights, very helpful info.
I thought we put our concerns regarding this USB recovery aspect to rest just after the project launched. Well, I seem to have been convinced enough so that I decided to back the project, but I can't seem to find that now...
@Edward-Cheadle asked:
@Janus-Sanders Do you know if this Docker Image;
will work for my Omega2 Pro;
Yes, it will, but that docker image is a bit long in the tooth now, so there are a few things you'll have to do, namely:
Something along the lines of (after creating your container):
# fix the ubuntu package install environment
# install the time package
apt-get update
apt-get -f install
apt-get install time
# update the source
git pull
# switch to the openwrt branch
git checkout openwrt-18.06
# clean out any old LEDE related feeds
./scripts/feeds clean
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
# create a symlink to the O2 .config (only relevant when building firmware b222 onwards)
ln -s .config.O2 .config
# build
I took this from my container's history, so I hope I haven't missed anything or made any errors.
Also make sure you allocate enough space for the container. I suggest 30GB at a minimum, but more if you have it.
If you'd like to build a particular firmware revision, it's useful to add a few git tags where necessary. If you are interested here are the last few of mine:
git tag v0.3.2-b222 96400e1
git tag v0.3.2-b221 221604e
git tag v0.3.2-b220 0984915
git tag v0.3.2-b219 7cdd57e
git tag v0.3.2-b218 adfead5
git tag v0.3.2-b217 d624ea1
git tag v0.3.1-b216 c22c17c
Then you can run a specific build with a:
git checkout v0.3.1-b216
@Douglas-Kryder said:
@Lazar-Demin just noticed that there is no expansion header pin reference at all printed on the board.
Ooh, good catch!
Also, since there's no longer a diagonal corner to act as a visual guide, the expansions are at risk of being installed in an incorrect orientation by those new to the board.
And, since the expansion header is so close to the edge, when inserted, the expansions are bound to overlap the edge of the board underneath, so enclosures will have to be designed accordingly.
Just a heads up that the project is now live in case anyone would like to back it.
At least you got one. My five refused to be tamed and seem to have escaped into the wild. But I'm ever hopeful they'll find their way home one day and hopefully soon.
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - process out of memory
Perhaps you need more swap space, or disk space?
Unfortunately the actual docker version runs only on win 10, I'am using win 7.
If you decide to follow the docker route any further, they do provide Docker Toolbox for older systems Docker Toolbox overview
At moment i am contacting some colleagues, maybe they can help.
Ok, best of luck, I hope that you are successful. But if not, we can always keep exploring options here.
Well it turns out that you don't need the Onion blynk-library, you can just use the standard one. So you don't need to wait for @Lazar-Demin.
Just follow the blynk 2 bullet Tuesday example with some minor modifications.
In the section "Letโs switch over to the Omega", substitute what is there with the following (assuming that you are running a b2xx firmware):
opkg update
opkg install node-npm
NOTE - This requires a fair amount of space.[1]
Test that node and npm are working:
root@Omega-BFC9:~# node --version
root@Omega-BFC9:~# npm version
{ npm: '5.6.0',
ares: '1.10.1-DEV',
http_parser: '2.7.0',
modules: '57',
nghttp2: '1.25.0',
node: '8.10.0',
openssl: '1.0.2p',
uv: '1.19.1',
v8: '6.2.414.50',
zlib: '1.2.11' }
NOTE - npm
takes a bit of time to get going, so be patient.
Then install the blynk-library using npm:
root@Omega-BFC9:~# npm install -g blynk-library
/usr/bin/blynk-client -> /usr/lib/node_modules/blynk-library/bin/blynk-client.js
/usr/bin/blynk-ctrl -> /usr/lib/node_modules/blynk-library/bin/blynk-ctrl.js
+ blynk-library@0.5.4
added 1 package in 22.028s
Create the test.js
file as described, except you must change the source of the blynk-library in the first line of the file:
var BlynkLib = require('/usr/lib/node_modules/blynk-library');
var blynk = new BlynkLib.Blynk('YOUR AUTH TOKEN HERE'); // !!!
var v1 = new blynk.VirtualPin(1);
v1.on('write', function(param) {
console.log('Hi! Pin V1 is: ', param);
Remember to use your own blynk auth token as described in the 2 bullet Tuesday article.
Then run and test:
root@Omega-BFC9:~# node test.js
___ __ __
/ _ )/ /_ _____ / /__
/ _ / / // / _ \/ '_/
/____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
Give Blynk a Github star! =>
Connecting to: 443
SSL authorization...
Hi! Pin V1 is: [ '1' ]
Hi! Pin V1 is: [ '0' ]
Hi! Pin V1 is: [ '1' ]
Hi! Pin V1 is: [ '0' ]
[1] - Here is a before and after snapshot of my free space when installing node-npm
and node
root@Omega-BFC9:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 8.0M 8.0M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 61.0M 220.0K 60.8M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 61.0M 112.0K 60.9M 0% /tmp/root
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock6 22.3M 692.0K 21.6M 3% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 22.3M 692.0K 21.6M 3% /
root@Omega-BFC9:~# opkg install node-npm
Installing node-npm (v8.10.0-3) to root...
Installing node (v8.10.0-3) to root...
Configuring node.
Configuring node-npm.
root@Omega-BFC9:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 8.0M 8.0M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 61.0M 220.0K 60.8M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 61.0M 112.0K 60.9M 0% /tmp/root
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock6 22.3M 14.0M 8.3M 63% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 22.3M 14.0M 8.3M 63% /
If you do like I did the first time I tried this and install on an O2+ with insufficient space, you will run out of space during the installation. Thereafter it can be a bit of a PITA to regain space because opkg
won't allow you to remove the packages that it didn't successfully install.
In this case, there is a very handy utility here: (Albeit, FOR OpenWRT 18.06 ONLY) that will get you out of trouble and manually remove the packages. You'll probably have to delete a file or two in /overlay/upper first so that you can create enough space to create the cleanup tool.
Perhaps the details and the links to further information contained in here can be of assistance: FAQ: I heard there is some issue with hardware SPI?
An official Onion docker container is available. Instructions are available in the source repo readme file Using the Docker Image at OnionIoT/source
In connection with this event, the question arises: will the support of Omega2 and Omega 2+ be discontinued?
I wouldn't think so.
There are many O2's and O2+'s out there in the wild, not to mention all the docks that rely on them. IMHO, It wouldn't make sense to discontinue them.
To my mind, the O2Pro is basically a little beefed up version of an O2+ hard fixed to a power dock.
Or are you seeing something obvious that I am missing here?