⭐️ Beta OpenWRT 22.03 firmware available! Your feedback is needed ⭐️
Amazing news. We'll test it for sure...
What about using 'python3-spidev' in OpenWrt 22.03.?
Or any ideas how to use spi in python3 on the new firmware?
@DocHardinger what is your main use case for SPI? Do you currently use
or something else?
the main use is to communicate with an Analog digital converter. And many python libraries are using spidev so i think it makes sense to make this working again. Anyway if there is an alternative its also ok, but for now i didnt found a working solution in python3.I also tried to use spi-tools for testing the spi connection and there also seems to be some errors. But i will do some further tests later and give some feedback.
The external swap file instructions no longer works on the beta firmware. The swapon command throws an error:
# swapon swap.page block: failed to swapon swap.page (-1)
I'm running the latest 22.03.3 b106 for the Omega2p on an Omega2 LTE.
Any ideas on how to fix?
@jasoneer Assuming you have created the swap file on a file system somewhere you should use the full path:
swapon /tmp/mounts/mymounts/swap.page
@crispyoz Sorry, I was in the folder where the swap.page was when I posted that but I did run it with an absolute path and it made no difference. I also repeated the same steps on another Omega2 LTE that was on the old/stable firmware and it worked no problems.
@jasoneer said in
️ Beta OpenWRT 22.03 firmware available! Your feedback is needed
The external swap file instructions no longer works on the beta firmware.
PSA: expect that a lot of the existing Omega2 documentation probably won't work on the new beta firmware.
If there are specific things you would like to see documented for the new beta firmware, please create an Issue in the OnionIoT/OpenWRT-Packages GitHub Repo.
@Lazar-Demin I tried looking into this as it was pointed out a few times on the OpenWRT forums that since v19 external swap was disabled for many targets. However, it looks like the Omega targets did not have this flag. Since I now have the beta firmware built from source, I will see what I can find out and will open an issue with more details.
@jasoneer Check in make kernel_menuconfig the option is General Setup->Support for paging of anonymous memory
@crispyoz Yup, that's what I did. It was already enabled and the omega targets didn't have the
feature that would have disabled it.However, I did figure out the issue. On the beta firmware, when using extroot (booting from external), you can't create a swapfile on
or under any subfolder. It has to be under/overlay
. The stable firmware allowed that and it would make sense that it did since/overlay
should be the same as/
. Anyway problem is fixed!
@jasoneer Glad you figured out the problem! Can you please still make a github issue so we can document your solution?
In case there's any interest, we've also managed to get OpenWrt 23.05 working for us - WiFi, GPIO (char mode), WireGuard, and more. We took some inspiration from the work here and figured a few things out ourselves. Here's our fork and the changes we've made: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/compare/openwrt-23.05...cuprous-au:openwrt:openwrt-23.05. We also publish the images we'll be using for our production environment there.
Please note that our image is not as feature-full as the Onion one, but it should illustrate how you can start from the OpenWrt stable branch, perhaps towards building something for production.
@huntc interesting. Thanks for posting.
This post is deleted!
@Lazar-Demin The repo has no firmware for the O2Pro.
@crispyoz Yep, there are no beta firmware images for the Omega2 Pro, LTE or Dash.
We added Omega2 LTE support through a package - see https://documentation.onioniot.com/hardware-interfaces/omega2-lte
The v0.3.4 Omega2 Pro firmware just automated the booting from external storage and swap file procedure. Let us know if that would be helpful as a package available for the new firmware by submitting a "feature request" issue on github
@Lazar-Demin I was just making a note, made my own changes to the firmware to facilitate my needs. But for new players it might be a challenge.
@Lazar-Demin customfeeds.conf contains the following:
src/gz onion_core http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05-snapshot/targets/ramips/mt76x8/packages
src/gz onion_base http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05-snapshot/packages/mipsel_24kc/base
src/gz onion_packages http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05-snapshot/packages/mipsel_24kc/packages
src/gz onion_routing http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05-snapshot/packages/mipsel_24kc/routing
src/gz onion_telephony http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/23.05-snapshot/packages/mipsel_24kc/telephony
src/gz onion_openwrt_packages http://repo.onioniot.com/omega2/packages/openwrt-23.05-snapshot/onionThose repos don't exist. I can only see http://downloads.onioniot.com/releases/22.03.3/packages/mipsel_24kc/.....
@crispyoz which firmware has this in customfeeds.conf?