I'm working on a project where I need to connect a chip that works over SPI .I used raspberry pi 4 and Ic ad5422 in my project.
now I want to send data throw spidev and xfer that my data is 24 bits.
The input shift register is 24 bits wide. Data is loaded into the
device MSB first as a 24-bit word under the control of a serial
clock input, SCLK. Data is clocked in on the rising edge of SCLK.
The input register consists of eight address bits and 16 data bits.
The 24-bit word is unconditionally latched
on the rising edge of the LATCH pin.
Am I using spi.xfer3([0xab, 0xcd,0xef], 3) in my code?
Does anyone know what am I doing?